A game that allows players to experience the process of software development is an excellent way to teach programming and coding concepts such as loops and conditional statements. Zachtronics Shenzhen I/O is one game that accomplishes this. It puts players in the shoes unhappy engineers working for a boring company and must build computer chips manually. The circuits they are asked to design become more difficult, starting with making the lights flash in a particular pattern.
The game’s interface https://mrworkspace.nl/2011/03/24/if-you-read-nothing-else-today-read-this-report-on-news-from-software-development-world/ appears very similar to web browser’s developer tools and also teaches scripting. Screeps is a different excellent example that incorporates JavaScript code with massively multi-player online gaming to build self-sustaining colonies. Both games are excellent at teaching the basics of concepts and slowly introducing others.